Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is excellent and powerful at removing negative thought loops.

Christine Fieldhouse identified that she was running negative thought loops in her head which were hypercritical of others, judgemental and most alarmingly, weren’t what she genuinely thought about these people. She counted these thoughts and at their worst she was having about 30 individual negative thoughts per minute that she didn’t like or agree with!

30 per minute!

I explained to her that these thoughts are a very unhelpful subconscious program running through her mind that is not necessary and that we could remove them quickly and easily.

So Christine worked through one of my programs with me, which included Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).

She talks about her experience with me in the April 2022 edition of Sussex Life Magazine

Below is an excerpt from the article:

“Although usually fairly positive, over the last few years, I’ve been troubled by thoughts that started playing on a loop in my head, criticising and judging everyone around me. It was something I couldn’t shut off and these thoughts were constantly magnifying and multiplying, yet they didn’t even sound like me.

My two-hour session of Rapid Transformational Therapy – a hybrid therapy known for its efficiency in discovering the roots of a client’s issue and helping them to let it go – with Lucy Lloyd was on Zoom, and I settled myself on my bed with my iPad. I’d been hypnotised before and I knew I could come out of it at any time I chose. I’d already filled in a questionnaire so Lucy knew about my hyper critical thoughts.

As I went under, Lucy regressed me to four points in my early childhood – all scenes between my parents, who went on to divorce when I was a teenager. In all of them, I was a frightened and confused toddler trying to make sense of adult relationships and my dad’s heavy drinking. Yet underlying each scene was the enormous love my mum had for me. I had a stern conversation with the voice behind the thoughts, along with a mini rant at my father who’s been dead for almost 20 years.

As I emerged from the hypnosis, my eyes were damp from crying and I was tired, but I felt calmer. Lucy sent me a recording to listen to for 21 days. She cleverly reframed details from my hypnotherapy, along with my hopes and goals. By accessing my subconscious mind, she’s helped me to start creating new neural pathways and replace my old limiting beliefs with new empowering ones.

And those on-a-loop thoughts? At their worst, they came at roughly 30 a minute. But since my session I’ve had just seven and each time, I’ve nipped them in the bud before they could take hold. The hypnotherapy has had a knock-on effect on all areas of my life. I feel liberated.’

For more information on Rapid Transformational Therapy, visit lucy-lloyd.com ”

That’s a fantastic transformation to go from having 30 negative thoughts in a minute to having 7 – total since our session, which was over 2 months ago. This shows what a hugely transformational process Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and hypnotherapy is to remove negative thought loops and how rapidly it works, with long term changes.

Read more about how I help people using RTT.