This is a case study about Richard*, a musician who changed his mindset and manifested a music tour after he approached me for assistance in addressing personal issues that were affecting his self-worth and focus. He was struggling to move forward, feeling trapped in the past and defined by past experiences. Through this case study, we will explore how Richard overcame his past and achieved his dream of performing more as a musician.


If you’re feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your current career, keep reading, because you could solve the problem like Richard did…


“I wanted to deal with aspects of my personality such as ‘not feeling worthy’ and lack of focus on myself” – Richard 


When I first meet my clients, I go through a process of getting to know them, to not only understand what their presenting issue is (in this case, Richard’s lack of self worth and focus), but what their life goals are. I encourage my clients to ‘lay them all out on the table’.

Richard indicated to me his desire to perform more as a musician, which had waned in the years prior.


The process I take my clients through is very focussed on manifesting.


Manifesting is the process of bringing your desired goals, dreams, and aspirations into reality through positive thinking, visualisation, and action. I believe that manifesting can be a powerful tool to help individuals achieve their goals and improve their lives. In my sessions, I integrate my knowledge and experience of manifesting with hypnotherapy to help clients connect with their inner selves and bring their desired outcomes to fruition. By using techniques such as visualisation and affirmations, I can help clients shift their mindset and overcome limiting beliefs, leading to positive changes in their lives.


Why the Manifesting & Hypnotherapy combination?



The subconscious mind is closely connected to manifesting because it is the part of our mind that governs our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, which ultimately shape our reality. While the conscious mind is responsible for our logical thinking and decision-making, the subconscious mind operates behind the scenes, controlling our habits, behaviours, and responses to the world around us. Our beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, create our reality by influencing our thoughts, feelings, and actions. When we focus on manifesting our desires, we need to align our conscious goals with our subconscious beliefs. By accessing and reprogramming our subconscious mind (through hypnotherapy), we can remove limiting beliefs and create a new reality that aligns with our desires. This is why manifesting is so closely connected to the subconscious mind and why I use Manifesting and Hypnotherapy as a winning combination for my clients.


First we removed the feelings of unworthiness


Richard’s feelings of unworthiness needed to be erased, so I guided him back to past events in his life that were the root causes of these feelings…. moments which had been highly influential to his forming mind about who he was in the world. These were memories related to how his teachers, parents, siblings and peers treated him… moments where he felt deep shame led his subconscious mind to form the belief that he was unworthy and he should live his life feeling and acting that way.


“I had not tried hypnosis before, and was not too sure how the session might proceed. Lucy was immediately able to put me at my ease and the session was completely positive for me, comfortable and with no kind of anxiety on my part. Her voice is uniquely relaxing, mellow and sincere. She has an innate empathy and understanding of people. I felt rejuvenated and able to reflect on the session with inner peace and gratitude to her.” Richard

Installing new beliefs

After we had reframed these memories, I installed the belief that he is worthy, and that by being worthy he should absolutely focus on himself.

In hypnosis, the subconscious mind is more open to suggestion and can be more easily influenced, making it an ideal time to introduce positive affirmations, which are a powerful tool because they help to reprogram the subconscious mind by replacing negative beliefs with positive ones.  When we repeat positive affirmations in a hypnotic state, our subconscious mind is more receptive to them, and they are more likely to be accepted and integrated into our belief system.

They can be used to build confidence, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety and stress, and improve overall well-being. By repeating affirmations, we can create new neural pathways in the brain that reinforce positive thoughts and emotions, leading to positive changes in behaviour and outlook.

Hypnosis also allows for a deep level of relaxation and focus, which helps to amplify the effects of positive affirmations. When we are relaxed, our mind is more open and receptive, making it easier for positive suggestions to be absorbed by the subconscious mind.


Then the manifesting


I got very specific with Richard about his goal to perform more music. The subconscious mind is so powerful and it doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined, so by doing visualisation and positive suggestion whilst in hypnosis, it’s a great way to believe the vision and therefore expect it to be part of your reality. I had Richard visualise performing music, wearing his tux, opportunities for him to perform coming out of the blue. 


“She determined the specific outcomes that I wanted to achieve and was able to centralise these during the session and also with the audio recording that I am able to use in my own time of reflection and meditation.” – Richard

“Within weeks I had concerts arriving in my calendar, some through connections that were new networks”


After working with me, a chance, ‘random’ encounter created just this situation… on a walk with his dog he bumped into someone he didn’t know and they got chatting. One thing led to another and he ended up being invited to Canada (he lives in UK) to do a music tour…and he did just that. Ta-da! it manifested! 


Here’s what Richard had to say:


“I wanted to deal with aspects of my personality such as ‘not feeling worthy’ and lack of focus on myself. The results were real and positive. I feel able to deal with the present confidently and no longer find aspects of the past an anchor holding me back. I also wanted to perform more as a musician and within weeks, I had concerts arriving in my calendar, some through connections that were ‘new’ networks.


I had not tried hypnosis before, and was not too sure how the session might proceed. Lucy was immediately able to put me at my ease and the session was completely positive for me, comfortable and with no kind of anxiety on my part. Her voice is uniquely relaxing, mellow and sincere. She has an innate empathy and understanding of people. I felt rejuvenated and able to reflect on the session with inner peace and gratitude to her.


She determined the specific outcomes that I wanted to achieve and was able to centralise these during the session and also with the audio recording that I am able to use in my own time of reflection and meditation.


I recommend Lucy as a Hypnotherapist, without reservation.”

Do you want to shift out of low self worth?


If you have underlying feelings of unworthiness or things you want to manifest but feel you’re stuck like Richard – I’d love to work with you. 


My Metamorphosis program is a great way to increase your self worth and manifest your goals. Whether you know what you want to do and need help removing the blocks that are in your way so that you can finally take action or you need help discovering what makes your heart and soul light up, this program is for you. 


Read more about my signature Metamorphosis program.


Don’t put it off, start today. We can work together to transform your life for the better.


*Richard’s name changed for privacy reasons