Lots of people get caught up about what RTT, Rapid Transformational Therapy is. I’m here to demystify this very special, very exciting form of therapy.

1 It’s not just hypnotherapy

RTT is not just hypnotherapy, it’s a hybrid therapy. RTT combines the many positive aspects of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

2 Marisa Peer developed the RTT method

Marisa trained in hypnotherapy with Gil Boyne over 30 years ago. Since then she has been studying, practising and perfecting her craft. She has worked with Royalty, rock stars, actors and Olympic athletes along with all other manner of other folk.

3 RTT Works

Yes, RTT works! And it works quickly. Clients undergoing Rapid Transformational Therapy usually only need 1-3 sessions, creating huge and permanent changes in their lives. Marisa believes people should see permanent shifts in their lives quickly, without the need for weeks, months or years of treatment. That’s why she developed RTT.

4 RTT isn’t dangerous

RTT is not dangerous. Some people get scared about hypnotherapy, but hypnotherapy is not dangerous or scary. You cannot be made to do anything you don’t want to do or take on any beliefs that you do not want to. You have free will.

5 RTT can help with a multitude of presenting problems

RTT has been proven to help with a big range of conditions including phobias, weight loss, addictions, fertility, anxiety, pain control, imposter syndrome and lack of self confidence.

The list of things that RTT helps with is pretty long!

So there you go, and as you can probably guess I’m a pretty big fan of RTT!

If you’re interested to find out more, how about you contact me to arrange a free 20 minute consultation?