If you’re thinking about getting an RTT session, here are 5 things to think about before the session.

1)  Are you ready to change your life?

I’m going to be honest with you here… RTT works. It’s powerful stuff, it’s everything it says in the name… it’s rapid… transformational… therapy!

But it’s not a passive process.

You have to want to change.

You have to show up to the session ready, prepared and excited for change.

2)  Hypnotherapy is not like in the movies

RTT is not stage hypnosis.

I’m not going to tell you you are Michael Jackson and get you moonwalking round your bedroom.

It doesn’t work like that.

I can’t make you do anything you do not want to.

3)  You are completely safe in my sessions.

During hypnosis, you are completely aware of what is happening

Hypnosis is a sleep of the nervous system.

In some ways it is similar to meditation. It is an opportunity to relax and be the observer of the process, seeing what your subconscious wants to show us.

4)  Are you ready to recode your mind?

Because I am.

I’m ready, willing and very excited to remove those outdated beliefs that are holding you back, and replace them with new, updated, relevant and progressive beliefs.

I am excited because I love seeing my clients transform and shift their lives, I feel privileged to witness their transformations and I love to be of service in this way.

5)  You need to be committed to listening to the recording for at least 21 days

Listening to the recording is key to the whole process.

In the RTT session I am investigator, surgeon and programmer….. finding and removing your old subconscious beliefs and programming in new positive, transformative beliefs.

To really powerfully embed these beliefs into your brain, to neurally install these wonderful amazing fantastic new beliefs, you need to keep hearing them, on a daily basis for at least 21 days.

My personalised hypnosis recording, completely tailored to your needs and your desires, is the perfect way to do this.

By listening to the recording, you are reminding your subconscious mind of these beliefs, and showing it how committed you are to changing your life!

It’s not enough to have good intentions, you must take action in changing your life!

And your personalised hypnosis recording is included in your RTT package, so it’s a no brainer.

Take the time for yourself…. between approx. 16 minutes everyday. The results will pay off. Listen to it in your bed, on the sofa, on your coffee break… find a way and listen!

So if you’re ready to change your life, recode your mind, and committed to listening to the recording for 21 days then go for it!

RTT is a great way to change your thoughts and change your life.