Are you experiencing career alignment issues? Feeling tired of going through the same old motions in your corporate job, day in and day out? Do you find yourself day dreaming, questioning if there’s more to life than this box you find yourself in? Below you’ll find 5 signs your corporate job is no longer aligned to your heart and soul.


If you’re feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your current career, keep reading, because I get it, it’s a big decision to make…it’s not a decision that should be made on a whim. It should be well considered first.


Here are 5 signs that it might be time for a change to your corporate job:




1) You dread going to work every day


If the thought of going to work fills you with dread and you constantly find yourself counting down the hours until you can leave, it might be a sign that your job is no longer fulfilling you.


2) You’re not using your natural talents and strengths


When you’re working in a job that doesn’t utilise your natural talents and strengths, it can leave you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected.


You might find yourself daydreaming about doing something else, or feeling like you’re not making a difference.


3) Your work no longer aligns with your values


If you find that the work you’re doing goes against your personal values, it can be a major source of stress and unhappiness.


You might find yourself struggling to reconcile your beliefs with the work you’re doing, which can lead to feelings of disconnection and discontent.


4) You’re constantly tired and burned out


When you’re working in a job that’s no longer in alignment with your heart and soul, it can be exhausting both mentally and physically. You might find yourself feeling drained and burned out, even after a good night’s sleep.


5) You have a sense of emptiness and lack purpose


If you feel like you’re just going through the motions at work and there’s no real purpose to what you’re doing, it can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. You might find yourself questioning the meaning of your work and your life in general. It could mean that your corporate job is no longer aligned to your heart and soul.




If you’re experiencing any of these 5 signs, it might be time to start considering a change to your corporate job to bring you into more heart and soul alignment.




It can be scary to take that leap, but it’s important to remember that you deserve to be fulfilled and happy in your career, living a life aligned with your heart and soul. 


An Indeed survey of 1,005 people who voluntarily resigned from at least two jobs since March 2020, found that 92% said the pandemic made them feel life is too short to stay in a job they weren’t passionate about. 


92% is a lot so you are not the only one feeling the desire to shift!! 


Change can be hard, so consider working with a coach or therapist to help you figure out your next steps and find a path that’s in alignment with your heart and soul.


My Metamorphosis program is just that. Whether you know what you want to do and need help removing the blocks in your way so that you can finally take action or you need help discovering what makes your heart and soul light up, this program is for you. 


Read more about my signature Metamorphosis program.


Don’t put it off, start today!