There are 4 key steps to stop procrastinating now that make you more productive, successful AND happy in your business or career.
Procrastination is intentionally or habitually putting off doing something that should be done. It is a core Action Block that prevents Entrepreneurs from moving to the next level in their business.
It may feel great in the moment, because you’re using distracting techniques to avoid doing some “boring” / “hard” yet core critical stuff you really need to get done, but by the end of the day/week/month/year/decade you look back and feel disgruntled and down on yourself because you’ve been getting in the way of your own success.
It doesn’t need to be like this and there is a very simple, straightforward process to stop procrastinating now.
Below are the 4 steps to stop procrastination in your life now and make your business much more productive, successful and enjoyable:
1) Recognise that you’re procrastinating
This is the first step – recognising that you have a problem and that it’s called Procrastination.
A major clue that you’re procrastinating…
…it usually starts with the words “I’ll just…”
🤔 “I’ll just phone my friend”
🤔 “I’ll just put the washing on”
🤔 “I’ll just clear out the fridge”
It can also show up in more devious ways, where you pretend you’re taking action steps for your business but actually you’re procrastinating, ie. if you spend a large % of your time designing your instagram feed, or you take “just another course”… or you come up with many different projects, pick up one, run with it for a while, before dropping it and moving onto another project, only to come back to the first project many weeks later, and have to spend half a day (or more) picking up where you left off. It feels like you’re being productive but you’re not actually making much progress forward.
Recognise you are procrastinating, and then you can start changing your mindset in a positive way.
2) Identify the root cause of the procrastination
Firstly you need to see what and why you’re procrastinating.
Maybe it’s not your natural skillset
We’re not all designed to be great at doing everything, and it’s a positive forward thinking step to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and buoy up your weaknesses through external help… this could be by giving that task to someone else or outsourcing (if possible) to an agency or a tech provider that will be much better at it than you, which will free up your energy and increase your productivity by allowing you to focus on what you feel passionate about;
Down time needed
Our brains need down time, so sometimes with procrastination, it could be that you’re not giving yourself enough down time for the mind to do it’s processing. Another way to shift out of procrastination is to make sure you are giving yourself enough clearly defined breaks – particularly digital breaks;
Underlying Fear
Of course, what I see most often with my Metamorphosis Clients is that they’re procrastinating due to an underlying fear, or belief system that stops them from taking action….
…This in particular links in with 👉🏻 Impostor Syndrome, an Action Block where you don’t feel like you’re qualified enough / good enough / know enough to be successful so your action steps ground to a halt and you drown yourself in self doubt, crippling fear, etc. basically, anything that avoids you being confronted with any (perceived) feelings of not being good enough at what you do.
It all comes down to fear. 😳Fear of not being good enough, 😳 fear of success, 😳 fear of getting it wrong, fear of failure.
3) Remove the subconscious blocks
Removing subconscious blocks is a VERY IMPORTANT, fast and effective way to stop procrastination in its tracks, because our subconscious programs run our minds, so by understanding the subconscious and rewiring it, putting new processes in place, the fears that have created the procrastination avoidance activity are eradicated.
This means quite simply, that those underlying fears are removed so your minds no longer have the need to avoid taking action, and you become much more productive.
And finally
4) Update your work routine
Look at your current work routine and update it accordingly, by making sure that your to do list is aligned with your priority list. Updating your work routine to make sure you are as productive as you can be, prioritising the right things and taking the right amount of downtime.
So here is a quick summary of the 4 steps to stop procrastinating now:
1) Recognise that you’re procrastinating
2) Identify the root cause of the procrastination
3) Remove the subconscious blocks
4) Update your work routine
By doing these 4 steps to stop procrastinating now, you’ll upgrade your behaviours at work or in your business, making yourself so much more productive and happy.
If you want to find out more about how I can help you stop procrastinating book a call with me. In the call we can talk about how I help my Clients to take fast forward action in their business with my signature Metamorphosis program.
Don’t put it off, start today!