3 types of money blocks. A lot of my Clients come to me to deal with their Money Blocks. But what are Money Blocks? They are subconscious programs that run your beliefs about money, and they get in the way of financial security and success. They can show up in many ways and are complex, but not impossible to change. Today we talk about the 3 types of money blocks.

Does it mean that people with money don’t have money blocks?

Nope. Our relationship and our beliefs around money, lack and abundance are so individual that it is not defined by a certain number.

Below are the 3 types of money blocks, with some examples of how they show up and what you can do to change them for the better:


  • You don’t feel you have enough money
  • Maybe you’re in debt or regularly get in debt
  • Your outgoings exceed your incomings and there is that stress of there never being enough
  • You have nightmares about running out of money
  • Money comes to you easily but leaves just as fast (or faster)

Tip: Review your money leaks and clean them up – remove unnecessary subscriptions, pay off your biggest debts first. Look at where you are wasting your money.

Cost cutting exercises help you rebalance your income.

Download my free 15 Money Blocks Quick Wins here


  • You feel guilty receiving gifts/attention on your birthday. 
  • You feel guilty asking your clients for money because you feel you are “taking” from them
  • You feel bad putting your prices up because you don’t think you’re worth it

Reframe: Be grateful for gifts you receive – make sure to give thanks and show gratitude.

Remember, your clients are paying you for a service – you are offering something that helps them. It’s their choice whether to pay and it’s none of your business whether or not they can afford it. Selling is a necessary part of business and people understand that.


  • You are scared of your financial situation and you would rather do everything yourself rather than outsource, leaving you overworked, exhausted, and burning out. 
  • You have enough money saved to spend on yourself but you resist it, like you feel you don’t deserve it, or are doing something wrong if you spend on yourself. 

Reframe: Time is money, so reassess how much time you spend on mundane tasks that take you away from your core business.

Look at how you can outsource them – maybe hiring a virtual assistant, investing in extra staffing or in an automation service.

You might discover that by spending, say $10/$50/£500/$1,000 a month on a particular service you are able to make way more than that back because the time you have freed up for yourself can be used to focus on bigger money making activities. 

Let’s get clear on what money actually is

Money is a form of energy (before money ever existed people bartered with each other, money is a representation of that energy exchange) and if that energy flow gets stuck then blocks occur and you feel lack/debt/poor.

Picture that money is like a river. It should be free flowing the whole way.

When the river gets stagnant or blocked by debris it stops flowing properly. You have to make sure water is flowing into the river (rain), flowing through it and out the other end (to the sea) to keep the cycle going.

Visualising your money like a river of energy is a great way to start shifting your mindset around money.

Change your money mindset

Whilst money blocks are complex and deep rooted, they can be changed and with it your whole relationship with money. I specialise in helping my Clients create a revolutionary money mindset so that they open up a more abundant life.

How I clear money blocks for my Clients

My Client Tina* struggled with Money Blocks. She was earning good money and to other people she seemed well off. But secretly she was always in debt, overspending, and the last 2 weeks of each month were really stressful for her because she’d spent it all. She actually felt really very poor, even though she was earning above average. 

Finally her friend pointed out to her that she shouldn’t be in this sort of relationship with money and we worked together to shift her money dynamic.

When I started working with Tina, I learned about her habits and attitudes to money and then I set about working to uncover the roots of her money woes. 

Fundamentally it came down to how her mother had brought her up. A single mum, who also had a bad relationship with money, her mum would spend all her monthly income within 2 days of it landing in the bank. She didn’t know how to budget, or plan ahead, so there’d be this excitement around pay day, with lots of “rewards” (overspending) on non essentials. 

After the money was spent on the non essentials, the rest of the month would be spent with a complete lack of money, with no money to buy good food, or necessary clothing.  Tina got bullied at school because she didn’t have the “cool, branded” clothes, so she always felt like she wasn’t good enough and felt very poor.

If there was money needed in an emergency then Tina saw her mum panicking, selling things to cover bills and begging friends and family to lend her money.  

Tina came to understand, through hypnotherapy how her relationship with money had formed from a blueprint of her mother’s relationship with money, and she saw that she was simply replaying the same pattern. 

Working together, we disrupted these thought patterns and introduced a new positive mindset around money. Her debt had come from “buying validation” in the form of designer clothes and accessories. Once she saw that these items didn’t bring her comfort, safety and happiness, she saw that living within her means would provide much of this validation.

Through coaching, I introduced her to new positive money habits. Within 12 months of working together she had paid off her credit cards, paid off outstanding debts and for the first time in her life had a savings plan. She was now feeling rich, wealthy and abundant, and it made her more confident in all aspects of her life. 

Tina’s story shows how our past makes our present moment, but it doesn’t have to make our future. We can change our thoughts and habits and really change our lived experience. 

*Name changed for confidentiality

Book a call with me to find out how I can help you shift your moneyblocks ASAP!

I’m interested to know, how do your money blocks show up? Do email me and let me know.